

n2d2.Tensor is a wrapper of the Tensor object available in N2D2 (see Tensor).

The class n2d2.Tensor contains a reference to the element which produce it and can be seen as the edge of the computation graph.


class n2d2.Tensor(dims: list | tuple, value: Any = None, cuda: bool = False, datatype: str = 'float', cell: Any = None, dim_format: str = 'Numpy')

The N2D2 tensor object

Return type:


__init__(dims: list | tuple, value: Any = None, cuda: bool = False, datatype: str = 'float', cell: Any = None, dim_format: str = 'Numpy')
  • dims (list) – Dimensions of the n2d2.Tensor object. (the convention used depends of the dim_format argument, by default it’s the same as Numpy)

  • value (Must be coherent with datatype) – A value to fill the n2d2.Tensor object.

  • datatype (str, optional) – Type of the data stored in the tensor, default=”float”

  • cell (n2d2.cells.NeuralNetworkCell, optional) – A reference to the object that created this tensor, default=None

  • dim_format (str, optional) – Define the format used when you declare the dimensions of the tensor. The N2D2 convention is the reversed of the Numpy the numpy one (e.g. a [2, 3] numpy array is equivalent to a [3, 2] N2D2 Tensor), default=”Numpy”

back_propagate() None

Compute the backpropagation on the deepnet.


Copy in memory the Tensor object.


Convert the tensor to a cpu tensor


Convert the tensor to a cuda tensor


Return the data type of the object stored by the tensor.


Detach the cells from the tensor, thereby removing all information about the computation graph/deepnet object.


Return dimensions with N2D2 convention

draw_associated_graph(path: str) None

Plot the graph in a figure located at path.


path (str) – Path were to save the plotted graph.


Synchronize Device to Host. CUDA tensor are stored and computed in the GPU (Device). You cannot read directly the GPU. A copy of the tensor exist in the CPU (Host)

classmethod from_N2D2(N2D2_Tensor)

Convert an N2D2 tensor into a Tensor.


N2D2_Tensor (N2D2.BaseTensor or N2D2.CudaBaseTensor) – An N2D2 Tensor to convert to a n2d2 Tensor.


Converted tensor

Return type:


classmethod from_numpy(np_array)

Convert a numpy array into a tensor.


np_array (numpy.array) – A numpy array to convert to a tensor.


Converted tensor

Return type:



Method called by the cells, if the tensor is not part of a graph, it will be linked to an n2d2.provider.Provider object.


The associated deepnet

Return type:



Synchronize Host to Device. CUDA tensor are stored and computed in the GPU (Device). You cannot read directly the GPU. A copy of the tensor exist in the CPU (Host)


Return the number of dimensions.

reshape(new_dims: list)

Reshape the Tensor to the specified dims (defined by the Numpy convention).


new_dims (list) – New dimensions

resize(new_dims: list)

Reshape the Tensor to the specified dims (defined by the Numpy convention).


new_dims (list) – New dimensions


Fill the tensor with a list of values.

tensor = n2d2.Tensor([1, 1, 2, 2])
                           [3, 4]]]])

values (list) – A nested list that represent the tensor.


Return dimensions with python convention

to_numpy(copy: bool = False)

Create a numpy array equivalent to the tensor.


copy (Boolean, optional) – if false, memory is shared between n2d2.Tensor and numpy.array, else data are copied in memory, default=True

update() None

Update weights and biases of the cells.

Manipulating tensors

For setting and getting value we will be using the following tensor as an example :

tensor = n2d2.Tensor([2, 3])
0 0 0
0 0 0

You can set and get values using :


tensor[1,0] = 1 # Using coordinates
value = tensor[1,0]

If you print the tensor you will see :

0 0 0
1 0 0


You can use an index to get or set elements of a tensor. The index correspond to the flatten representation of your tensor.

tensor[0] = 2
value = tensor[0]

If you print the tensor you will see :

2 0 0
0 0 0



Slice are supported only for assignment !

tensor[1:3] = 3

If you print the tensor you will see :

0 3 3
0 0 0

Set values method

If you want to set multiple values easily, you can use the method n2d2.Tensor.set_values()

tensor.set_values([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])

If you print the tensor you will see :

1 2 3
4 5 6


To Numpy

You can create a numpy.array using a n2d2.Tensor with the class method : n2d2.Tensor.to_numpy()

tensor = n2d2.Tensor([2, 3])
np_array = tensor.to_numpy()

This will create the following tensor :

0 0 0
0 0 0

By default the numpy.array doesn’t create a memory copy meaning that if you want to manipulate a n2d2.Tensor you can use the numpy library.

np_array[0] = 1
1 1 1
0 0 0


If you do not want to create a memory copy, you should set the parameter copy=True.

np_array = tensor.to_numpy(copy=True)

From Numpy

You can create a n2d2.Tensor using a numpy.array with the class method : n2d2.Tensor.from_numpy()

np_array = numpy.array([[1,2,3], [4,5,6]])
tensor = n2d2.Tensor.from_numpy(np_array)

This will create the following tensor :

1 2 3
4 5 6


You cannot create a n2d2.Tensor from a numpy.array without a memory copy because Tensor require a contiguous memory space which is not required for an array.

CUDA Tensor

You can store your tensor with CPU or GPU (using CUDA). By default, n2d2 creates a CPU tensor.

If you want to create a CUDA Tensor you can do so by setting the parameter cuda to True in the constructor

tensor = n2d2.Tensor([2,3], cuda=True)

You can switch from CPU to GPU at anytime :

tensor.cpu()  # Converting to a CPU tensor
tensor.cuda() # Converting to a CUDA tensor

When working on a CUDA tensor you have to understand that they are stored in two different places.

The host and the device. The device is the GPU. The host correspond to your interface with the tensor that exists in the GPU. You cannot access the device directly, the GPU don’t have input/output functions.

This is why you have two methods to synchronized these two versions (n2d2.Tensor.htod() and n2d2.Tensor.dtoh()).

Synchronizing the device and the host can be an important overhead, it is recommended to compute everything on the device and to synchronize the host at the end.

Synchronization example

Let’s consider the following CUDA Tensor :

t = n2d2.Tensor([2, 2], cuda=True)
0 0
0 0

We set the following values :

t.set_values([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
1 2
3 4

Then we will synchronized the device with the host. this mean that we send the values to the GPU.

1 2
3 4

As you can see, nothing change when printing the tensor. We have updated the GPU with the new values. Now let’s change the values stored in the tensor :

t.set_values([[2, 3], [4, 5]])
2 3
4 5

When printing the tensor we see the new values we just set. Now let’s synchronize the host with the device !

1 2
3 4

As you can see when printing the tensor, we now have the old values of the tensor.