Stimuli provider (Environment)


The database section must feed a stimuli provider (or environment), which is instantiated with a section named sp (or env) in the INI file. When the two sections are present in the INI file, they are implicitly connected: the StimuliProvider is automatically aware of the Database driver that is present. The StimuliProvider section specifies the input dimensions of the network (width, height), as well as the batch size.


BatchSize=12 ; [default: 1]

Data augmentation and conditioning Transformation blocks and data analysis StimuliData blocks can be associated to a stimuli provider as shown below:

Data augmentation, conditioning and analysis flow.

Data augmentation, conditioning and analysis flow.

The table below summarizes the parameters available for the sp section:

Option [default value]



Environment width


Environment height

NbChannels [1]

Number of channels (applicable only if there is no env.ChannelTransformation[...])

BatchSize [1]

Batch size

CompositeStimuli [0]

If true, use pixel-wise stimuli labels

CachePath []

Stimuli cache path (no cache if left empty)

The env section accepts more parameters dedicated to event-based (spiking) simulation:

Option (env only) [default]


StimulusType [SingleBurst]

Method for converting stimuli into spike trains. Can be any of SingleBurst, Periodic, JitteredPeriodic or Poissonian

DiscardedLateStimuli [1.0]

The pixels in the pre-processed stimuli with a value above this limit never generate spiking events

PeriodMeanMin [50 TimeMs]

Mean minimum period \(\overline{T_{min}}\), used for periodic temporal codings, corresponding to pixels in the pre-processed stimuli with a value of 0 (which are supposed to be the most significant pixels)

PeriodMeanMax [12 TimeS]

Mean maximum period \(\overline{T_{max}}\), used for periodic temporal codings, corresponding to pixels in the pre-processed stimuli with a value of 1 (which are supposed to be the least significant pixels). This maximum period may be never reached if DiscardedLateStimuli is lower than 1.0

PeriodRelStdDev [0.1]

Relative standard deviation, used for periodic temporal codings, applied to the spiking period of a pixel

PeriodMin [11 TimeMs]

Absolute minimum period, or spiking interval, used for periodic temporal codings, for any pixel

For image segmentation, the parameter CompositeStimuli=1 must always be present, meaning that the labels of the image must have the same dimension than the image (and cannot be a single class value as in classification problem).

Data range and conversion

A configuration section can be associated to a StimuliProvider, as shown below. The DataSignedMapping=1 parameter specifies that the input value range must be interpreted as signed, even if the values are unsigned, which is usually the case for standard image formats (BMP, JPEG, PNG…). In case of 8-bit images, values from 0 to 255 are therefore mapped to the range -128 to 127 when this parameter is enabled.




In N2D2, the integer value input range [0, 255] (or [-128, 127] with the DataSignedMapping=1 parameter) (for 8-bit images), is implicitly converted to floating point value range [0.0, 1.0] or [-1.0, 1.0] in the StimuliProvider, after the transformations, unless one of the transformation changes the representation and/or the range of the data.


The DataSignedMapping parameter only has effect when implicit conversion is performed.

The input value range can also be changed explicitly using for example a RangeAffineTransformation, like below, in which case no implicit conversion is performed afterwards (and the DataSignedMapping parameter has no effect):


When running a simulation in N2D2, the graph of the transformations with all their parameters as well as the expected output dimension after each transformation is automatically generated (in the file transformations.png). As transformations can be applied only to one of the learn, validation or test datasets, three graphs are generated, as shown in the following figure.

Graph of the transformations for the learn, validation and test datasets, automatically generated by N2D2.

Graph of the transformations for the learn, validation and test datasets, automatically generated by N2D2.

Images slicing during training and inference

In N2D2, the input dimensions of a neural network is fixed and cannot be changed dynamically during the training and inference, as images are processed in batch, like any other deep learning framework. Therefore, in order to deal with datasets containing images of variable dimensions, patches or slices of fixed dimensions must be extracted.

In N2D2, two mechanisms are provided to extract slices:

  • For training, random slices can be extracted from bigger images for each batch, thus allowing to cover the full images over the training time with the maximum variability. This also act as basic data augmentation. Random slices extraction is achieved using a SliceExtractionTransformation, applied only to the training set with the parameter ApplyTo=LearnOnly.

  • For inference, one wants to cover the full images once and only once. This cannot be achieved with a N2D2 Transformation, but has to be handled by the Database driver. In order to do so, any Database driver can have an additional “slicing” section in the N2D2 INI file, which will automatically extract regularly strided fixed size slices from the dataset. The example above can be used to extract slides for the validation and testing datasets, with the parameter ApplyTo=NoLearn.


When an image size is not a multiple of the slices size, the most right and most bottom slices may have a size lower than the intended fixed slice size specified with Width and Height. There are two ways to deal with these slices:

  1. Add the Overlapping=1 parameter, which allows an overlapping between the right/bottom-most slice and the preceding one. The overlapping area in the right/bottom-most slice is then marked as “ignore” for the labeling, to avoid counting twice the classification result on these pixels.

  2. Add a PadCropTransformation to pad to the slice target size for NoLearn data. In this case the padded area can be either ignored or mirror padding can be used.

Blending for data augmentation

Complex data augmentation / pre-processing pipelines can be created by combining the different available transformations. It is even possible to use multiple Database and StimuliProvider, to create for example a “blending” pipeline, which is introduced here and illustrated in the figure below.

Blending pipeline working principle.

Blending pipeline working principle.

An example of a blending pipeline in the INI file is given here. The first part is the BlendingTransformation, which is inserted in the main image processing pipeline.


; Here we add a blending transformation, which will perform objects blending
; to images with the specified labels in the dataset, selected by the
; ApplyToLabels parameter.
Database=database_objects ; database driver to use for the objects to blend
StimuliProvider=sp_objects  ; stimuli provider specifying the transformations
                            ; to apply on the object data before blending
; Specifies the name of the image label(s) on which a blending can be performed.
; Here, any image in a "backgrounds" sub-directory in the dataset will be used
; for the blending
; POSSIBLE FUTURE EXTENSION: possibility to associate some backgrounds to some
; object types only. Adding a background in a "backgrounds" sub-directory in the
; object directory may allow this.
; POSSIBLE FUTURE EXTENSION: specify ROIs for blending some object types.
; Indicate whether multiple object types can be mixed on the same background
; Density of the object in the background, from 0.0 to 1.0
DensityRange=0.0 0.2
; Horizontal margin between objects (in pixels)
; Vertical margin between objects (in pixels)
; Blending method
; POSSIBLE FUTURE EXTENSION: add other blending methods...
; For DEBUG purpose, specifying a non-empty SavePath will save all the generated
; blending with their associated JSON annotation in the SavePath directory.


The second part is the object pre-processing and extraction pipeline, that is attached to the BlendingTransformation.

; Database driver for the objects. Can be a sub-set of the main pipe image
; dataset, or even the full main dataset itself
; Since we use the same dataset, ignore the background images that contain
; no object to blend.
DefaultLabel=background ; Label for pixels outside any ROI (default is no label, pixels are ignored)

; Simuli provider for objects => no need to change this part.
; Sizes to 0 means any size, require that BatchSize=0

; Apply random rotation & scaling to objects
; POSSIBLE FUTURE EXTENSION: apply different transformations depending on the
; type of object
; Sizes to 0 means any size, size will not be changed by the transformation
RandomScalingRange=0.5 2.0

; ... add here other transformations to apply to objects before extraction and
; blending

; Extend the object labels to have a smooth transition with background

; This has to be the last transformation in the pre-processing of the images
; that will be blended.
; After data augmentation, a random object is extracted from the image,
; using ROIs or connected-component labeling.
; Extract any label ID
; Perform connected-component labeling to the label to obtain objects ROIs.
; Possibility to filter the ROIs to keep before random selection of a single
; one:

Built-in transformations

There are 6 possible categories of transformations:

  • env.Transformation[...] Transformations applied to the input images before channels creation;

  • env.OnTheFlyTransformation[...] On-the-fly transformations applied to the input images before channels creation;

  • env.ChannelTransformation[...] Create or add transformation for a specific channel;

  • env.ChannelOnTheFlyTransformation[...] Create or add on-the-fly transformation for a specific channel;

  • env.ChannelsTransformation[...] Transformations applied to all the channels of the input images;

  • env.ChannelsOnTheFlyTransformation[...] On-the-fly transformations applied to all the channels of the input images.



Several transformations can applied successively. In this case, to be able to apply multiple transformations of the same category, a different suffix ([...]) must be added to each transformation.

The transformations will be processed in the order of appearance in the INI file regardless of their suffix.

Common set of parameters for any kind of transformation:

Option [default value]


ApplyTo [All]

Apply the transformation only to the specified stimuli sets. Can be:

LearnOnly: learning set only

ValidationOnly: validation set only

TestOnly: testing set only

NoLearn: validation and testing sets only

NoValidation: learning and testing sets only

NoTest: learning and validation sets only

All: all sets (default)





ApplyTo=LearnOnly ; Apply this transformation for the Learning set only

List of available transformations:


Apply an element-wise affine transformation to the image with matrixes of the same size.

Option [default value]



First element-wise operator, can be Plus, Minus, Multiplies, Divides


First matrix file name

SecondOperator [Plus]

Second element-wise operator, can be Plus, Minus, Multiplies, Divides

SecondValue []

Second matrix file name

The final operation is the following, with \(A\) the image matrix, \(B_{1st}\), \(B_{2nd}\) the matrixes to add/substract/multiply/divide and \(\odot\) the element-wise operator :

\[\begin{split}f(A) = \left(A\;\substack{\odot\\op_{1st}}\;B_{1st}\right)\; \substack{\odot\\op_{2nd}}\;B_{2nd}\end{split}\]


Apply an apodization window to each data row.

Option [default value]



Window total size (must match the number of data columns)

WindowName [Rectangular]

Window name. Possible values are:

Rectangular: Rectangular

Hann: Hann

Hamming: Hamming

Cosine: Cosine

Gaussian: Gaussian

Blackman: Blackman

Kaiser: Kaiser

Gaussian window

Gaussian window.

Option [default value]


WindowName.Sigma [0.4]


Blackman window

Blackman window.

Option [default value]


WindowName.Alpha [0.16]


Kaiser window

Kaiser window.

Option [default value]


WindowName.Beta [5.0]



Find the centroid of the image and crop the image so that the center of the image matches the centroid location. The cropping can be done on both axis, or just one axis with the Axis parameter. If Axis is 1, only the horizontal axis will be cropped so that the centroid x-location is at half the image width.

Option [default value]


Axis [-1]

Axis to consider for the centroid (-1 = both, 0 = cols, 1 = rows)

In practice, this transformation can be used in conjunction with the PadCropTransformation, in order to obtain cropped images of always of the same dimension (by cropping for example to the smallest image obtained after CentroidCropTransformation), all centered on their respective centroid.


N2D2-IP only: available upon request.

This transformation can be used to blend image objects, provided by another Database and associated StimuliProvider, to the images of the current StimuliProvider.

Option [default value]



Name of the Database section to use for the objects to blend


Name of the StimuliProvider section specifying the transformations to apply on the objects data before blending

ApplyToLabels []

Space-separated list that specifies the name of the image label(s) on which a blending can be performed (in the current data pipe). The usual * and + wildcards are allowed.

TypeMixing [0]

If true (1), multiple object types can be mixed on the same image

DensityRange [0.0 0.0]

Range of density of the objects to blend in the image (values are from 0.0 to 1.0). A different random density in this range is used for each image. If the two values are equal, the density is constant. A constant density of 0 (corresponding the default range [0.0 0.0]) means that only a single object is blended in the image in all cases, regardless of the object size. Indeed, the density parameter is checked only after the first object was inserted.

MarginH [0]

Minimum horizontal margin between inserted objects (in pixels)

MarginV [0]

Minimum vertical margin between inserted objects (in pixels)

BlendingMethod [Linear]

Blending method to use (see the BlendingMethod section)

BlendingAlpha [0.2]

\(\alpha\) factor for the blending. Depends on the blending method (see the BlendingMethod section)

BlendingBeta [0.8]

\(\beta\) factor for the blending. Depends on the blending method (see the BlendingMethod section)

BlendingSmoothSize [5]

Blurring kernel size, used in some blending methods (see the BlendingMethod section)

SavePath []

If not empty, all the blended images are stored in SavePath during the simulation


In the following equations, \(O\) is the object image, \(I\) is the image of the current pipe on which objects must be inserted. And \(R\) is the resulting image.

Linear: no smoothing.

\(R=\alpha.O + \beta.I\)

LinearByDistance: limit the blur in the blended object background.
\(\Delta = \frac{\|O-I\|-min(\|O-I\|)}{max(\|O-I\|)-min(\|O-I\|)}\)
\(R=\alpha.O.(1-\Delta) + \beta.I.\Delta\)
SmoothEdge: smoothing at the borders of the objects.
\(\alpha = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{when } LABEL \neq 0\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\)
\(\alpha' = gaussian\_blur(\alpha)\)
\(R=\alpha'.O + (1-\alpha').I\)
SmoothEdgeLinearByDistance: combines SmoothEdge and LinearByDistance.
\(\alpha = \begin{cases} \Delta & \text{when } LABEL \neq 0\\ 0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\)
\(\alpha' = gaussian\_blur(\alpha)\)
\(R=\alpha'.O + (1-\alpha').I\)

Labels mapping

When processing the first batch of data, you might get a message like the following in the console:

BlendingTransformation: labels mapping is required with the following mapping:
  1 -> 9   (cat)
  2 -> 12   (dog)
  3 -> 66   (bird)

What happens here is that the labels ID from the database containing the objects to blend (specified by the Database parameter) must match the correct labels ID from the current database (specified by the [database] section). In the log above, the labels ID on the left are the ones from the objects database and the labels ID on the right are the ones from the current database. In N2D2, upon loading a database, a new label ID is created for each new unique label name encoutered, in the loading order (alphabetical for DIR_Database, but may be arbitrary for other database drivers). The objects database may contain only a subset of the labels present in the current database, and/or the labels may be loaded in a different order. In both cases, the ID affected to a label name will be different between the two databases. During blending however, one wants that the blended object labels correspond to the labels of the current database. To solve this, labels mapping is automatically performed in N2D2 so that for corresponding label names, the label ID in the objects database is translated to the label ID of current database. In the log above for example, the objects database contains only 3 labels: “cat”, “dog” and “bird”, with ID 1, 2 and 3 respectively. These labels ID are automatically replaced by the corresponding ID (for identical label name) in the current database, for the blended objects, which are here 9, 12 and 66 respectively.


Each label from the objects database (objects to blend) must match an existing label in the current database. There is a match if:

  • There is an identical label name in the current database;

  • There is a single label name in the current database that ends with the objects database label name. For example, the label “/dog” in the objects database will match with the “dog” label in the current database.

If the objects database contains a label name that does not exist/match in the current database, an error is emitted:

BlendingTransformation: label "xxx" in blending database not present in current database!


N2D2-IP only: available upon request.

Randomly drop some channels of the image and replace them with a constant value. This can be useful to simulate missing channel data in multi-channel data.

Option [default value]



Channel’s drop probabilities (space-separated list of probabilities, in the order of the image channels)

DropValue [0.0]

Value to use for dropped channels pixels


Extract an image channel.




Blue: blue channel in the BGR colorspace, or first channel of any colorspace

Green: green channel in the BGR colorspace, or second channel of any colorspace

Red: red channel in the BGR colorspace, or third channel of any colorspace

Hue: hue channel in the HSV colorspace

Saturation: saturation channel in the HSV colorspace

Value: value channel in the HSV colorspace

Gray: gray conversion

Y: Y channel in the YCbCr colorspace

Cb: Cb channel in the YCbCr colorspace

Cr: Cr channel in the YCbCr colorspace


N2D2-IP only: available upon request.

Randomly shift some channels of the image. This can be useful to simulate misalignment between multiple channel data.

Option [default value]



Vertical shift range (in pixels) for each channel. For example, to randomly shift the second channel by +/- 5 pixels in the vertical direction, use: VerticalRange[1]=-5.0 5.0


Horizontal shift range (in pixels) for each channel

Distribution [Uniform]

Random distribution to use for the shift

Rounded [1]

If true (1), use integer value for the shifts (no pixel interpolation needed)


Border type used when padding. Possible values:


ConstantBorder: pad with BorderValue

ReplicateBorder: last element is replicated throughout, like aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh

ReflectBorder: border will be mirror reflection of the border elements, like fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb

WrapBorder: it will look like cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg

MinusOneReflectBorder: same as ReflectBorder but with a slight change, like gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba

MeanBorder: pad with the mean color of the image

BorderValue [0.0 0.0 0.0]

Background color used when padding with BorderType is ConstantBorder


Possible distribution and meaning of the range. For example with VerticalRange[1]=-5.0 5.0.


Uniform between -5 and 5.


Normal with mean (-5+5)/2=0 and std. dev. = (5-(-5))/6 = 1.67. The range defines the std. dev. such that range = 6 sigma.


Same as Normal, but truncated between -5 and 5.


Change the current image colorspace.




BGR: convert any gray, BGR or BGRA image to BGR

RGB: convert any gray, BGR or BGRA image to RGB

HSV: convert BGR image to HSV

HLS: convert BGR image to HLS

YCrCb: convert BGR image to YCrCb

CIELab: convert BGR image to CIELab

CIELuv: convert BGR image to CIELuv

RGB_to_BGR: convert RGB image to BGR

RGB_to_HSV: convert RGB image to HSV

RGB_to_HLS: convert RGB image to HLS

RGB_to_YCrCb: convert RGB image to YCrCb

RGB_to_CIELab: convert RGB image to CIELab

RGB_to_CIELuv: convert RGB image to CIELuv

HSV_to_BGR: convert HSV image to BGR

HSV_to_RGB: convert HSV image to RGB

HLS_to_BGR: convert HLS image to BGR

HLS_to_RGB: convert HLS image to RGB

YCrCb_to_BGR: convert YCrCb image to BGR

YCrCb_to_RGB: convert YCrCb image to RGB

CIELab_to_BGR: convert CIELab image to BGR

CIELab_to_RGB: convert CIELab image to RGB

CIELuv_to_BGR: convert CIELuv image to BGR

CIELuv_to_RGB: convert CIELuv image to RGB

Note that the default colorspace in N2D2 is BGR, the same as in OpenCV.


Apply a DFT to the data. The input data must be single channel, the resulting data is two channels, the first for the real part and the second for the imaginary part.

Option [default value]


TwoDimensional [1]

If true, compute a 2D image DFT. Otherwise, compute the 1D DFT of each data row

Note that this transformation can add zero-padding if required by the underlying FFT implementation.


Apply elastic distortion to the image. This transformation is generally used on-the-fly (so that a different distortion is performed for each image), and for the learning only.

Option [default value]


ElasticGaussianSize [15]

Size of the gaussian for elastic distortion (in pixels)

ElasticSigma [6.0]

Sigma of the gaussian for elastic distortion

ElasticScaling [0.0]

Scaling of the gaussian for elastic distortion

Scaling [0.0]

Maximum random scaling amplitude (+/-, in percentage)

Rotation [0.0]

Maximum random rotation amplitude (+/-, in °)


Image histogram equalization.

Option [default value]


Method [Standard]

Standard: standard histogram equalization

CLAHE: contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization

CLAHE_ClipLimit [40.0]

Threshold for contrast limiting (for CLAHE only)

CLAHE_GridSize [8]

Size of grid for histogram equalization (for CLAHE only). Input image will be divided into equally sized rectangular tiles. This parameter defines the number of tiles in row and column.


Expand single image label (1x1 pixel) to full frame label.


Apply a convolution filter to the image.

Option [default value]



Convolution kernel. Possible values are:

*: custom kernel

Gaussian: Gaussian kernel

LoG: Laplacian Of Gaussian kernel

DoG: Difference Of Gaussian kernel

Gabor: Gabor kernel

* kernel

Custom kernel.



Kernel.SizeX [0]

Width of the kernel (numer of columns)

Kernel.SizeY [0]

Height of the kernel (number of rows)


List of row-major ordered coefficients of the kernel

If both Kernel.SizeX and Kernel.SizeY are 0, the kernel is assumed to be square.


When providing a custom kernel, no normalization is applied on its coefficients.

Gaussian kernel

Gaussian kernel.

Option [default value]



Width of the kernel (numer of columns)


Height of the kernel (number of rows)

Kernel.Positive [1]

If true, the center of the kernel is positive

Kernel.Sigma [\(\sqrt{2.0}\)]

Sigma of the kernel

LoG kernel

Laplacian Of Gaussian kernel.

Option [default value]



Width of the kernel (numer of columns)


Height of the kernel (number of rows)

Kernel.Positive [1]

If true, the center of the kernel is positive

Kernel.Sigma [\(\sqrt{2.0}\)]

Sigma of the kernel

DoG kernel

Difference Of Gaussian kernel kernel.

Option [default value]



Width of the kernel (numer of columns)


Height of the kernel (number of rows)

Kernel.Positive [1]

If true, the center of the kernel is positive

Kernel.Sigma1 [2.0]

Sigma1 of the kernel

Kernel.Sigma2 [1.0]

Sigma2 of the kernel

Gabor kernel

Gabor kernel.

Option [default value]



Width of the kernel (numer of columns)


Height of the kernel (number of rows)


Theta of the kernel

Kernel.Sigma [\(\sqrt{2.0}\)]

Sigma of the kernel

Kernel.Lambda [10.0]

Lambda of the kernel

Kernel.Psi [\(\pi/2.0\)]

Psi of the kernel

Kernel.Gamma [0.5]

Gamma of the kernel


Image flip transformation.

Option [default value]


HorizontalFlip [0]

If true, flip the image horizontally

VerticalFlip [0]

If true, flip the image vertically

RandomHorizontalFlip [0]

If true, randomly flip the image horizontally

RandomVerticalFlip [0]

If true, randomly flip the image vertically


Compute image gradient.

Option [default value]


Scale [1.0]

Scale to apply to the computed gradient

Delta [0.0]

Bias to add to the computed gradient

GradientFilter [Sobel]

Filter type to use for computing the gradient. Possible options are: Sobel, Scharr and Laplacian

KernelSize [3]

Size of the filter kernel (has no effect when using the Scharr filter, which kernel size is always 3x3)

ApplyToLabels [0]

If true, use the computed gradient to filter the image label and ignore pixel areas where the gradient is below the Threshold. In this case, only the labels are modified, not the image

InvThreshold [0]

If true, ignored label pixels will be the ones with a low gradient (low contrasted areas)

Threshold [0.5]

Threshold applied on the image gradient

Label []

List of labels to filter (space-separated)

GradientScale [1.0]

Rescale the image by this factor before applying the gradient and the threshold, then scale it back to filter the labels


Filter labels in the image. The specified labels can be removed, kept (meaning all the other labels removed), or merged (the specified labels are replace by the first one).

Option [default value]



Space-separated list of label names to be filtered

Filter [Remove]

Type of filter to apply: Remove, Keep (labels not in the list are removed) or Merge (labels in the list are all replaced by the first one)

DefaultLabel [-2]

Default label, to be used where labels are removed. With the default value (-2), the default label of the associated database is used. If there is no default label, -1 (ignore) is used

This transformation filters both pixel-wise labels and ROIs.


Extract a slice from an image belonging to a given label.

Option [default value]



Width of the slice to extract


Height of the slice to extract

Label [-1]

Slice should belong to this label ID. If -1, the label ID is random

RandomRotation [0]

If true, extract randomly rotated slices

RandomRotationRange [0.0 360.0]

Range of the random rotations, in degrees, counterclockwise (if RandomRotation is enabled)

SlicesMargin [0]

Positive or negative, indicates the margin around objects that can be extracted in the slice

KeepComposite [0]

If false, the 2D label image is reduced to a single value corresponding to the extracted object label (useful for patches classification tasks). Note that if SlicesMargin is > 0, the 2D label image may contain other labels before reduction. For pixel-wise segmentation tasks, set KeepComposite to true.

AllowPadding [0]

If true, zero-padding is allowed if the image is smaller than the slice to extract

BorderType [MinusOneReflectBorder]

Border type used when padding. Possible values:

ConstantBorder: pad with BorderValue

ReplicateBorder: last element is replicated throughout, like aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh

ReflectBorder: border will be mirror reflection of the border elements, like fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb

WrapBorder: it will look like cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg

MinusOneReflectBorder: same as ReflectBorder but with a slight change, like gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba

MeanBorder: pad with the mean color of the image

BorderValue [0.0 0.0 0.0]

Background color used when padding with BorderType is ConstantBorder

IgnoreNoValid [1]

If true (1), if no valid slice is found, a random slice is extracted and marked as ignored (-1)

ExcludeLabels []

Space-separated list of label ID to exclude from the random extraction (when Label is -1)

This transformation is useful to learn sparse object occurrences in a lot of background. If the dataset is very unbalanced towards background, this transformation will ensure that the learning is done on a more balanced set of every labels, regardless of their actual pixel-wise ratio.

Illustration of the working behavior of LabelSliceExtractionTransformation with SlicesMargin = 0:

Randomly extracted slices with label 0.

Randomly extracted slices with label 0.

Randomly extracted slices with label 1.

Randomly extracted slices with label 1.

When SlicesMargin is 0, only slices that fully include a given label are extracted, as shown in figures above. The behavior with SlicesMargin < 0 is illustrated in figures below. Note that setting a negative SlicesMargin larger in absolute value than Width/2 or Height/2 will lead in some (random) cases in incorrect slice labels in respect to the majority pixel label in the slice.

Illustration of the working behavior of LabelSliceExtractionTransformation with SlicesMargin = -32:

Randomly extracted slices including label 0.

Randomly extracted slices including label 0.

Randomly extracted slices including label 1.

Randomly extracted slices including label 1.


Compute the magnitude and phase of a complex two channels input data, with the first channel \(x\) being the real part and the second channel \(y\) the imaginary part. The resulting data is two channels, the first one with the magnitude and the second one with the phase.

Option [default value]


LogScale [0]

If true, compute the magnitude in log scale

The magnitude is:

\[M_{i,j} = \sqrt{x_{i,j}^2 + x_{i,j}^2}\]

If LogScale = 1, compute \(M'_{i,j} = log(1 + M_{i,j})\).

The phase is:

\[\theta_{i,j} = atan2(y_{i,j}, x_{i,j})\]


Apply a morphological reconstruction transformation to the image. This transformation is also useful for post-processing.

Option [default value]



Morphological operation to apply. Can be:

ReconstructionByErosion: reconstruction by erosion operation

ReconstructionByDilation: reconstruction by dilation operation

OpeningByReconstruction: opening by reconstruction operation

ClosingByReconstruction: closing by reconstruction operation


Size of the structuring element

ApplyToLabels [0]

If true, apply the transformation to the labels instead of the image

Shape [Rectangular]

Shape of the structuring element used for morphology operations. Can be Rectangular, Elliptic or Cross.

NbIterations [1]

Number of times erosion and dilation are applied for opening and closing reconstructions


Apply a morphology transformation to the image. This transformation is also useful for post-processing.

Option [default value]



Morphological operation to apply. Can be:

Erode: erode operation (\(=erode(src)\))

Dilate: dilate operation (\(=dilate(src)\))

Opening: opening operation (\(open(src)=dilate(erode(src))\))

Closing: closing operation (\(close(src)=erode(dilate(src))\))

Gradient: morphological gradient (\(=dilate(src)-erode(src)\))

TopHat: top hat (\(=src-open(src)\))

BlackHat: black hat (\(=close(src)-src\))


Size of the structuring element

ApplyToLabels [0]

If true, apply the transformation to the labels instead of the image

Shape [Rectangular]

Shape of the structuring element used for morphology operations. Can be Rectangular, Elliptic or Cross.

NbIterations [1]

Number of times erosion and dilation are applied


Normalize the image.

Option [default value]


Norm [MinMax]

Norm type, can be:

L1: L1 normalization

L2: L2 normalization

Linf: Linf normalization

MinMax: min-max normalization

NormValue [1.0]

Norm value (for L1, L2 and Linf)

Such that \(||data||_{L_{p}} = NormValue\)

NormMin [0.0]

Min value (for MinMax only)

Such that \(min(data) = NormMin\)

NormMax [1.0]

Max value (for MinMax only)

Such that \(max(data) = NormMax\)

PerChannel [0]

If true, normalize each channel individually


Pad/crop the image to a specified size.

Option [default value]



Width of the padded/cropped image


Height of the padded/cropped image

BorderType [MinusOneReflectBorder]

Border type used when padding. Possible values:

ConstantBorder: pad with BorderValue

ReplicateBorder: last element is replicated throughout, like aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh

ReflectBorder: border will be mirror reflection of the border elements, like fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb

WrapBorder: it will look like cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg

MinusOneReflectBorder: same as ReflectBorder but with a slight change, like gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba

MeanBorder: pad with the mean color of the image

BorderValue [0.0 0.0 0.0]

Background color used when padding with BorderType is ConstantBorder


The transformation is typically used as the last transformation of the object extraction pipeline to be used for blending in a BlendingTransformation. A random object of with the label Label is extracted from the image.

Option [default value]


Label [-1]

Label ID to extract (-1 means any label ID)

LabelSegmentation [0]

If true (1), perform connected-component labeling to the label to obtain object ROIs

Margin [0]

Margin to keep around the object (in pixels)

KeepComposite [1]

If true (1), the extracted object label remains composite. Otherwise, the label is reduced to a single value

When LabelSegmentation is 0, this transformation directly extracts one of the annotation ROI whose label matches Label. When LabelSegmentation is true (1), the annotation ROIs are not used directly. Rather, the flattened pixel-wise annotation is (re-)labeled using connected-component labeling to obtain ROIs to extract. Note that the annotation ROIs are part of the flattened pixel-wise annotation (see also the Database CompositeLabel parameter).

Additional parameters for ROI filtering, before random selection of a single one:


Default value




Minimum number of pixels than can constitute a bounding box. Bounding boxes with fewer than MinSize pixels are discarded



Minimum height of the ROI to keep it



Minimum width of the ROI to keep it



Minimum aspect ratio (width/height) of the ROI to keep it (default is 0.0 = no minimum)



Maximum aspect ratio (width/height) of the ROI to keep it (default is 0.0 = no minimum)



Maximum horizontal distance for merging (in pixels)



Maximum vertical distance for merging (in pixels)

Note that these parameters applies only when LabelSegmentation is true (1).


Apply a global random affine transformation to the values of the image.

Option [default value]


GainRange [1.0 1.0]

Random gain (\(\alpha\)) range (identical for all channels)

GainRange[*] [1.0 1.0]

Random gain (\(\alpha\)) range for channel *. Mutually exclusive with GainRange. If any specified, a different random gain will always be sampled for each channel. Default gain is 1.0 (no gain) for missing channels

The gain control the contrast of the image

BiasRange [0.0 0.0]

Random bias (\(\beta\)) range (identical for all channels)

BiasRange[*] [0.0 0.0]

Random bias (\(\beta\)) range for channel *. Mutually exclusive with BiasRange. If any specified, a different random bias will always be sampled for each channel. Default bias is 0.0 (no bias) for missing channels

The bias control the brightness of the image

GammaRange [1.0 1.0]

Random gamma (\(\gamma\)) range (identical for all channels)

GammaRange[*] [1.0 1.0]

Random gamma (\(\gamma\)) range for channel *. Mutually exclusive with GammaRange. If any specified, a different random gamma will always be sampled for each channel. Default gamma is 1.0 (no change) for missing channels

The gamma control more or less the exposure of the image

GainVarProb [1.0]

Probability to have a gain variation for each channel. If only one value is specified, the same probability applies to all the channels. In this case, the same gain variation will be sampled for all the channels only if a single range if specified for all the channels using GainRange. If more than one value is specified, a different random gain will always be sampled for each channel, even if the probabilities and ranges are identical

BiasVarProb [1.0]

Probability to have a bias variation for each channel. If only one value is specified, the same probability applies to all the channels. In this case, the same bias variation will be sampled for all the channels only if a single range if specified for all the channels using BiasRange. If more than one value is specified, a different random bias will always be sampled for each channel, even if the probabilities and ranges are identical

GammaVarProb [1.0]

Probability to have a gamma variation for each channel. If only one value is specified, the same probability applies to all the channels. In this case, the same gamma variation will be sampled for all the channels only if a single range if specified for all the channels using GammaRange. If more than one value is specified, a different random gamma will always be sampled for each channel, even if the probabilities and ranges are identical

DisjointGamma [0]

If true, gamma variation and gain/bias variation are mutually exclusive. The probability to have a random gamma variation is therefore GammaVarProb and the probability to have a gain/bias variation is 1-GammaVarProb.

ChannelsMask []

If not empty, specifies on which channels the transformation is applied. For example, to apply the transformation only to the first and third channel, set ChannelsMask to 1 0 1

The equation of the transformation is:

\[\begin{split}S = \begin{cases} \text{numeric\_limits<T>::max()} & \text{if } \text{is\_integer<T>} \\ 1.0 & \text{otherwise} \end{cases}\end{split}\]
\[v(i,j) = \text{cv::saturate\_cast<T>}\left(\alpha \left(\frac{v(i,j)}{S}\right)^{\gamma} S + \beta.S\right)\]


Apply an affine transformation to the values of the image.

Option [default value]



First operator, can be Plus, Minus, Multiplies, Divides


First value

SecondOperator [Plus]

Second operator, can be Plus, Minus, Multiplies, Divides

SecondValue [0.0]

Second value

The final operation is the following:

\[\begin{split}f(x) = \left(x\;\substack{o\\op_{1st}}\;val_{1st}\right)\; \substack{o\\op_{2nd}}\;val_{2nd}\end{split}\]


Clip the value range of the image.

Option [default value]


RangeMin [\(min(data)\)]

Image values below RangeMin are clipped to 0

RangeMax [\(max(data)\)]

Image values above RangeMax are clipped to 1 (or the maximum integer value of the data type)


Rescale the image to a specified size.

Option [default value]



Width of the rescaled image


Height of the rescaled image

KeepAspectRatio [0]

If true, keeps the aspect ratio of the image

ResizeToFit [1]

If true, resize along the longest dimension when KeepAspectRatio is true


Reshape the data to a specified size.

Option [default value]



New number of rows

NbCols [0]

New number of cols (0 = no check)

NbChannels [0]

New number of channels (0 = no change)


Extract a slice from an image.

Option [default value]



Width of the slice to extract


Height of the slice to extract

OffsetX [0]

X offset of the slice to extract

OffsetY [0]

Y offset of the slice to extract

RandomOffsetX [0]

If true, the X offset is chosen randomly

RandomOffsetY [0]

If true, the Y offset is chosen randomly

RandomRotation [0]

If true, extract randomly rotated slices

RandomRotationRange [0.0 360.0]

Range of the random rotations, in degrees, counterclockwise (if RandomRotation is enabled)

RandomScaling [0]

If true, extract randomly scaled slices

RandomScalingRange [0.8 1.2]

Range of the random scaling (if RandomRotation is enabled)

AllowPadding [0]

If true, zero-padding is allowed if the image is smaller than the slice to extract

BorderType [MinusOneReflectBorder]

Border type used when padding. Possible values:

ConstantBorder: pad with BorderValue

ReplicateBorder: last element is replicated throughout, like aaaaaa|abcdefgh|hhhhhhh

ReflectBorder: border will be mirror reflection of the border elements, like fedcba|abcdefgh|hgfedcb

WrapBorder: it will look like cdefgh|abcdefgh|abcdefg

MinusOneReflectBorder: same as ReflectBorder but with a slight change, like gfedcb|abcdefgh|gfedcba

MeanBorder: pad with the mean color of the image

BorderValue [0.0 0.0 0.0]

Background color used when padding with BorderType is ConstantBorder


Remove one or several stripe(s) (a group of rows or columns) from 2D data.

Option [default value]



Axis of the stripe (0 = columns, 1 = rows)


Offset of the beginning of the stripe, in number of rows or columns


Length of the stripe, in number of rows or columns (a length of 1 means a single row or column will be removed)

RandomOffset [0]

If true (1), the stripe offset will be random along the chosen axis

NbIterations [1]

Number of stripes to remove

StepOffset [Offset]

Offset between successive stripes, when NbIterations > 1, not taking into account the length of the stripes


Apply a thresholding transformation to the image. This transformation is also useful for post-processing.

Option [default value]



Threshold value

OtsuMethod [0]

Use Otsu’s method to determine the optimal threshold (if true, the Threshold value is ignored)

Operation [Binary]

Thresholding operation to apply. Can be:






MaxValue [1.0]

Max. value to use with Binary and BinaryInverted operations


Trim the image.

Option [default value]



Number of levels for the color discretization of the image

Method [Discretize]

Possible values are:

Reduce: discretization using K-means

Discretize: simple discretization


Apply Wallis filter to the image.

Option [default value]



Size of the filter

Mean [0.0]

Target mean value

StdDev [1.0]

Target standard deviation

PerChannel [0]

If true, apply Wallis filter to each channel individually (this parameter is meaningful only if Size is 0)